• Kind leaders
  • Creative thinkers
  • Change-makers
  • Curious Seekers

The Learn Kind Curriculum is Here

We’re the world’s leading authority on kindness.

Every Act Makes a Difference. Add Yours.

Every day people like you are inspiring kindness-led change in our world. Add your act to the global story.

 Kind Act Counter

AS OF 05/13/2024 23:00

“I sent a WhatsApp message to my extended family group chat telling them how lucky I was to have them all in my life. They all responded with similar messages to the entire group. It was beautiful!”

Elisabeth Boyde

“I went to my 30th class reunion and I had a woman come up to me and say thank you for an incident that I did not recall. She said someone was picking on her and I stood up for her and she clearly has never forgotten and went out her way to say thank you. I was so touched and humbled. You never know when you are making a difference. Be kind.”

Deanna W.

“I handwrote a letter to a very dear friend when she was having a really hard time of it some years ago. She told me that whilst an email or text would have meant a lot, the fact that I had written a letter meant so much more and that it was much more personal.”

Carl Richard Aylott

“nominate a colleague and say thank you to them. She was shocked but happy to see her photo on our intranet.”

Georgina Bull

We Wrote the Book on Kindness so you could live it

The best of our research and DNA comes to life in Be Kind, a step-by-step guide to transforming your world with kindness, one week at a time.

Let’s Change the World Together.

You’re here to make a difference. We’re here to make it easy.

The Best of Research

We use the best of pure and applied research to understand the motivations, barriers, and impact of kindness.

Tools for Change

We build evidence-based kindness resources and products for change-makers like you.

Stories Brought to Life

Your story is part of the larger kindness story. Every time you tell it, you inspire others to choose kindness more often.

Want even more kindness?

If you’re ready to bring even more kindness to your workplace,
school, or learning environment, we’re ready to help.

Kindness at Work

We’ll help you make kindness the standard at work, and create a culture for happier, thriving teams.

Kindness for Kids

Kinder kids mean a kinder future. Learn more about our free, evidence-based curriculum for classrooms and schools.

Companies & Partners

We work with incredible companies and partners to amplify the global reach and impact of kindness. A world changed by kindness is only possible together.

A Kinder world takes all of us.